How much student earn in canada ? Student salary in Canada explained

hey guys how are you guys doing i hope all of you are doing absolutely fine in this kobe situation so today i'm going to cover the widely asked question ever by everyone so how much money do a person who just enters to canada does make it one single month this is the most commented thing ever in my videos in my instagram like how much money do i make in a single month starting with i'm an international student in canada so i'm a part-time worker so i work for 20 hours straight in a week you don't essentially get whole 20 hours in a week but this is the maximum that you can do i initially came to canada i was doing a factory i was not able to find a good job so i did the factory shifts for three months the factory i used to get 14 an hour so when you come to canada the first thing you need to understand is that you don't get any monthly wages here in canada all you get is hourly wage so you get paid on the hourly basis my initial pay in canada was 14 i was working in a factory they're called mondelez there it is so it's a food factory i was trying to make some apple buys or something so overall it was good working experience a little bit harder but yeah still it was up to the market first it was not that hard they used to give me 15 minutes break in between and it's okay if you're young if you're strong you can do it pretty much for like two and a half months and then i started working for walmart when i started working for walmart walmart is a grocery store it's an international brand and it's amazingly good so i was working for walmart i worked there for almost six months i wasn't working for exactly 20 hours so what it depends upon the most is like what's your status if you're a student i'm international student i have to do my course i have my assignments my college is not easy i have five days to college so you don't get 10 hours straight each day when you got two days period saturday and sunday it's not necessary that you will get 10 hours saturday and 10 hours sunday school work limit at most of the places here is eight hours and out of eight hours you get paid just for seven hours because one hour is your lunch break which is an obvious deduction you won't get paid for your breaks so here in canada the paychecks comes after 15 days so after every 15 days you are getting paid i used to get paid when i used to work at walmart 20 hours in a week and 40 hours by weekly which keeps me around somewhere 500 and something not bad so each month i used to make 1 000 but this is not very tense it can change then i get my security guard exam then i became a private security guard i worked for a security company right now i'm working for a security company wages in that company varies from side to side there were some sites where i used to get paid 19 dollars i sat in cold for that time you know it's not that hard 19 they're paying you to make you stand in the cold i can't disclose the name should i say it it's okay i can say but let's just keep it this way it's an international company almost in each and every part of the world so it's a nice reputed company so in general it pays around 16 i would say per hour so you gotta work whole 20 hours from around 600 so you end up earning 1200 every month which is a decent amount if you're an international student because also you're getting your guaranteed investment back parents have paid for you with your heart on money alongside all those things when you are on your study draw like in some courses there are steady drops like i would say this lasts almost four months four months you're doing absolutely nothing allowed to work full-time during that period so i was working for 40 hours during that time every week so i worked straight for almost two and a half months because rest of the months they would go with but i know was the monthly monthly paid approximately monthly paid approximate monthly pay when you're working as a full time that you an hourly associate on an hourly person somewhere you gotta make around i would say eleven hundred thousand one thousand to eleven hundred per paycheck which means it takes your earning up to two thousand or twenty one hundred per month if you are working as a full-time person in canada on hourly basis but once you get a like a package you get a big company to hire you get into your own feeling you're not working like for agencies or something then of course you're getting paid but after that but yes the question is is it easier to make money in canada of course yes it's good it's not that hard canada does offer you a little bit laid back lifestyle you don't have to have to be too fast you don't have to be moving a lot it's not as hard as states states give you a lot more money but it takes a whole lot of you canada is a relaxing life still you gotta earn a bit money guys if you like this video it's not a really really long video like my vlogs give it a big thumbs up before you comment down below and let me know what you like about the video most if you're new here do subscribe to my youtube channel and stay here for the upcoming videos if you want me to make more videos in english just let me know i can make more videos in english and also don't forget to check out all the other vlogs and stuff i make [Music] you


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