How To Make $30 Per Hour By WATCHING VIDEOS Online (2021)
ASSALAM U ALAIKUM GUYS what's going on guys Adam Schneider here
with the homemade entrepreneur today I
want to show you how to make thirty
dollars or more per hour by watching
videos online now you may have seen
videos with a very similar title this
okay I understand this video is
completely different what some of those
people were showing you worked like last
year but it's not working today what
works today is doing .
let me show you
right now so pop it in my computer I'm
showing you how you make thirty dollars
more per hour by watching videos so let
me show you something don't go off this
video just yet alright so what
they do is they're a captioning service
for for videos for example for YouTube
so for me I would go to and I'd
hire them at $1 per minute per video
minute and they would have somebody do a
closed caption for my video which would
be great right well for about an
hour's worth of work they're gonna pay
you probably anywhere from ten to twenty
dollars okay but you can make more money
this right here is called the
reason why I absolutely love fibers cuz
you can get just about anything on here
and you can also offer services on here
okay and so if you have no clue what
closed captions are don't worry I'm
going to show you kind of what it is I'm
giving an example and I'm gonna show you
a simple little hack that will save you
time and keep you watching the video as
opposed to typing the captions so if you
look right here this person I will add
closed captions and subtitles to your
video for $5.00 if we click on it okay
right here I will add embedded captions
subtitles to your video up to five
minutes five minutes five dollars five
to ten minutes ten dollars okay that's
just one person if we come back and look
at these I will I will create perfectly
synchronized closed captions starting at
five dollars okay great
what does that really entail five
dollars five minutes I'll create
perfectly synchronized SRT file or
five-minute video
five dollars for thirty minutes forty
five dollars for sixty minutes there's
another one okay easy
thirty dollars okay I will add closed
captions to your video starting at ten
dollars come down here okay ten dollar
basic that's your short staff
description I will caption up to five
minutes of video including automatic cap
includes automatic captions if desired
okay so how do you go about doing this
and why would somebody need somebody to
do captions for a video well the reason
why I recommend you go after people that
are looking for captions number one is
because they're probably a YouTube
content creator the reason why youtubers
are paying other people to do captions
on their videos is simply because
YouTube has an automatic caption service
or software that goes along with YouTube
however it's not 100% accurate so if
you're on a computer or iPad tablet
whatever there's probably a little
button down below this video maybe it
says CC if you click on that that is
YouTube automatically captioning my
video for me however if some of the
words are not completely correct are not
100% right that's where YouTube kind of
has that disconnect between YouTube and
their actual search function okay so
somebody's searching for how to make
money online but I have a really you
know southern accent and it's and it's
it's hard to understand and maybe I
stutter or my mic isn't it's not picking
up the sounds correctly what's gonna
happen is it may not say how to make
money online it may have a completely
different caption and because of that
I'm not gonna rank that video as high in
the searches for make money online okay
might rank for something else and I have
no clue and no control of that if I do
not caption the video myself or somebody
captions it for me so that's the number
one reason why so many people are adding
their own personal captions to their
video let me show you this alright so
inside YouTube
I can come to YouTube and once I go into
my dashboard of my videos Kay I can come
click the video I want and it will allow
me to transcribe and auto-sync
the other thing I can do is I can
actually post or paste the entire
transcript that I write myself or
somebody writes for me okay so the other
cool thing is I can actually play this
video and I can type as the video plays
now in order to do this you would
actually need access to this person's
this person's account for example this
would be mine obviously I have access to
it or you can go ahead and four five ten
dollars or you do $1 a minute what's
gonna happen is by doing a dollar a
minute is you're just gonna go and type
everything out and that's up to them to
sync it to the words okay so this is
what it looks like if you're doing it
inside YouTube so I click here and click
that what's going on guys okay
something like that and so every time I
am typing the video is gonna pause well
that's great it's a 20-minute video
though it's gonna take a while here's
the other thing you can do if you go to
Google okay and you go into the your
Doc's right there and then we're gonna
go from there we're gonna click on I'm
gonna click on a blank one and it's go
open up a blank document okay now what
you can do and this is a very simple
hack that I highly recommend a lot of
people do it is you go to tools and you
go down to voice typing now I have a
microphone it's actually right up here
now if I were to do this and I were to
use Google Docs what I would do is I
take my microphone from right up here
so I take my microphone and I would put
it right next to the speaker the problem
I can't do this right now is because my
speaker is actually behind a monitor
okay so it's not gonna actually work
right but I could try
but it's probably not gonna work but
what I would do I'd come over here I'd
play the video at the same time I would
actually activate this that click to
speak and so this is gonna do it's gonna
do the voice typing so anything that I
say here like I can go ahead and try it
and just see if it's gonna work
let me turn up on my volume let's just
see if this works so do you get what I
mean okay so I'm gonna go ahead and
close this says I can do some McDonald's
tutorial a bunch of questions on what is
okay so what I would actually do is I
would go back and so even though this is
gonna play this was played for 19
minutes and 25 seconds what I'm gonna do
is I'm gonna let this play and then I'm
gonna go back and I'm gonna let the
video play again however I'm gonna be on
this screen and I'm be changing it out
so I can do some oh that said
clickfunnels alright so I'm gonna do
that tutorials I think said I had a
bunch of questions on what does
is it worth it and I want to address all
those things and just want to and what I
use it for okay so by doing this all
we're doing is watching this video once
and we only have to be in the room okay
let me move this microphone out of the
way hopefully that wasn't too loud for
you but all we're gonna do is I'm gonna
watch this video okay and so once I
watch it all the way through I'm gonna
go back here
and I'm gonna go and just edit this and
once you edit this entire thing then you
just go send it off to your client it's
actually pretty simple so if you found
your client on fiber then obviously you
guys send it right there to them to
their email to their fiber accounts okay
or maybe you found somebody on YouTube
that needed a caption service okay you
don't know how to find somebody let me
show you this really quick so I'm
actually go to two different YouTube
channels two different accounts okay the
first one see right here Roman Atwood
okay and so if you look here there's
nothing underneath where it says the
amount of views and how many days ago it
was published okay and if we keep going
down let's just see if it says CC
anywhere okay if it did it's gonna look
something like this okay this right here
is roberto blake you come down here and
look i think every single one of his
videos he had him caption and he uses okay now Rev comm is gonna be
cheaper but you know that's that's for
him to decide do you want to use that
captioning service and that's who he
uses but if he didn't and he decided to
go with an actual person that he knows
builds it has a relationship with okay
but you can see here every single video
has closed captions the reason why is
because it does help your videos rank a
little bit higher and better okay
helps them rank for the exact keywords
you're actually using inside your video
for example on rank for how to make
money online that's what I want to say
inside the video but if my captioning
especially with YouTube if the automated
caption is doing how to make honey on
mine and it doesn't it's not how to make
money online YouTube is not gonna
suggest it inside that search okay look
here how to grow a successful YouTube
channel free training okay great it's
over two hours long and it's not
captioned there's another one over two
almost three hours long it's not
captioned there's probably reason why he
doesn't want to pay $250 for this video
to have it captioned when you know
really what's the point okay but all the
other ones this one's four hours and 45
minutes so does he really want to
a dollar a minute probably not okay okay
but you see how see see on all these
that's what it's gonna look like okay
that's the difference between this
channel and this one is these are
probably coming up inside searches a
little bit more often because they're
being they're being captioned and that's
the reason why we offer it so let me
give you a tip really quick King this is
something that I played around with this
a little bit a year and a half ago
something like that and I was able to
make some money it does work okay it is
very effective but for me I wasn't
really into this type of business if
you're just looking to find a way to
make money online watching videos that
maybe you you've already watched this is
a great option point now here's the tip
what I did when I first started I only
did this for like 3-4 weeks less than a
month okay and what I did is in order to
entice somebody to give me the job what
I did is I captioned one video for free
I found a really short videos I think
was like six minutes long so not
extremely short but I found out like a
six seven night long video I captioned
it for that person for free and then
gave him the transcript he then uploaded
it to his YouTube channel and we waited
okay a few days later he end up he end
up send me an email back asking if I
could caption another video this time it
was not for free okay this time that's
what you set your price so if you are
new to this business which I'm guessing
a lot of you are okay go in with the
intent of okay the first job is going to
be free every single time every single
time I get a new client first job is
going to be free but I'm not going to go
anything over ten minutes I'm not going
to caption okay they have to have a
video that's you know nine minutes 59
seconds or less and I'll caption that
video for free if you do this some of
those clients are just going to go and
try to get that free that free service
from you that's fine that's part of the
business others are actually going to go
through with it and have you caption
multiple videos that's what you want so
I know this is it's a different type of
business and you probably don't know a
lot of
you can go and Google even you look here
on YouTube how to how to do a closed
caption on YouTube or how to format
closed captions on YouTube in Word or in
Google Docs and you're gonna have a
bunch of different people showing you
how exactly how to do that but that's
one of the things you can do because you
can also add the time okay you can you
can change it you can make it very very
professional however it's probably gonna
cost more and it's gonna take you more
time so do what do what you want with
this information but just understand
there are people out there that are
willing to pay to have closed captions
on their videos and that's where you can
come in and start making some money so
if you guys have any questions on how to
make money watching videos online on
YouTube and make money through closed
captions you can always ask your
questions down in the comment section
below I'll try to help you out the best
I can but like I said I don't do a whole
lot of personalized transcriptions or
close to actions for my videos and it's
just because it doesn't make a huge
impact however it does help so if you
have questions I'll try to answer them
the best I can just ask questions down
the comment section below hit the thumbs
up button if you're enjoying the daily
uploads also subscribe if you haven't
already click that notification bell so
you don't miss any more of my videos and
I'll see you guys on the next one
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