How To Make $100 FAST Off Google Maps! (Make Money Online)

hey everyone and welcome back to mr money google maps is very useful you can use it to find locations and get information on local businesses one thing you might not have known is that you can use google maps to make money it's simple and it doesn't take much skill so check out this list to find out how to do it yourself today we're going to be talking about how to make 100 bucks per day on google maps make sure you stick around until the end as you don't want to miss out on what this super simple step is that will get you earning in no time number nine make a paypal account just like you need a wallet for your physical cash you need a wallet for your digital cash as well and this is where paypal comes in paypal is a world-renowned online wallet system that is safe and secure it's used by countless users and trusted by tons of websites it is easy to use and just about anyone can make one to start go to the paypal website go to the top of the page and select sign up once there it will ask you if you want to create a personal account or a business account select a personal account and then input your email address and password with paypal you can send and receive payments it's easy to send money from one paypal to another and it's even easier to receive payments it all happens instantly and additionally you can withdraw those funds to your bank account if you want your money in cash sign up now because all the payment methods in this video require the use of paypal number eight go to google maps now let us go over to google maps google maps is a great tool that many people use this online google based program allows you to map out places you can view them in many different forms including satellite and flat 2d the maps are accurate and you can view just about every country on it when you're on google maps search your current location this will be the most profitable area on the map it is highly recommended to install google chrome for this google chrome is a web browser that is free to download and very reliable you should download this because you will be installing a google chrome extension chrome extensions are tools that can be added to your browser for many different uses this will be used to help you to earn you will be downloading an extension for free that will monitor your traffic to websites via facebook ads number seven download google chrome extension for the third step you will be downloading a google chrome extension make sure you have google chrome downloaded and installed on your computer this browser is absolutely free and it's reputable but once you have it then head on over to the google chrome web store find the tab on the left that says extensions and click on that and then once there look for the search bar that says search extensions now type in facebook pixel helper hit enter and you'll see this extension will be the top result this method will have the word facebook in it but you will not have to use facebook you will now install this chrome extension it will help you to spy on different web pages now to install it look at the tab on the top right that says install click on that and it should install directly to your google chrome browser number six go back to google maps for this next step what you're gonna need to do is go back to google maps make sure you set your local city because this increases your chances of earning an even bigger profit the thing you will be doing is searching for local businesses you won't be searching for just any local business though you'll be looking for a very specific set of local businesses these businesses will be willing to pay you large amounts of money every single month these are the businesses that you will want to look for plumbers chiropractors auto repair shops dentists and accountants or cpas pick one from the list that you want to use for example if you choose dentist go to your location and search for dentist and type in your city name once you type that hit enter now look at the map all the red dots represent the potential for high income you have huge opportunities to earn hundreds a day first pick a business there are several options but you only need to pick one once you click on one business there will be a tab with the businesses information on the left most of these businesses will have a website in the information section there should be a globe icon right next to that is the businesses website if you have the facebook pixel helper extension ready and downloaded then you are ready for the next step number five go to the business website after you find the information you need you will then know what the website is for the business that you chose click on the website and you'll be directed to that page look around and check out the site here are the most important things you can see if the website has heavy traffic coming in from facebook via facebook ads the way you figure this out is by using the facebook pixel helper chrome extension when you are on the website click on the extension and see if there are any pixels found on this website if there are none that means that there is no traffic on that website that is coming from facebook via facebook ads some pages will tell you there are pixels found and others will tell you there are none if there are pixels found this means someone is already managing that business's advertising and you should pass on it number four approach the business a quite crucial one this next step requires you to reach out to the business go to your google maps and find one of the businesses that has no pixels on their page once you find that click on them and make a list of all the local businesses that have no facebook pixels this is how you will approach those businesses and let them know that you are willing to help them to provide expertise with this technique it is flexible because you can set your own price and it will be completely hands off they won't have to do anything you will control all of it while helping them boost the traffic to their website they won't be able to refuse this offer this will help them to build their business all while you get huge profits number three go to fiverr fiverr is a great website for freelancers on this site you will find people from all around the globe selling their services from logo design to website development you can find just about anything many of these services offer low prices that you should be able to afford so for this technique you will need to set up ads for the website that you have found not everyone knows how to set up these ads so that's why five is a great tool to use for a small fee you can hire someone to manage these ads even when you pay these users you will still be earning a large profit say you pay someone 25 bucks to set these ads up for you you can then charge the website 200 a month for the ads and still make 175 dollars in profit if you're just getting started you can charge lower say only 125 dollars a month that still means a 100 profit number two reach out to the local businesses for you to get this to all work you will need to reach out to these local businesses that is why it is best to have a list of multiple businesses that need their facebook ads done to do this it's simple just go on over to their company website and look around their contact info you may be able to find this on google maps when you find this info look for their phone number and call it not everybody is going to be comfortable with calling the business and that's fine you can scroll to the very bottom of the page and click the contact us button click on that and you'll be able to get an email for them instead once you get in touch with them let them know that you are someone local and you're willing to advertise them for a fee the fee is up to you but just try and think how much profit you will want to make businesses usually love working with local people that is why it's best to choose businesses in your area another option is to find the businesses facebook page you can then find this on their website or on the google maps information tab once you go to their facebook account you can click on the send message button and send a message directly they will see you are a real person and it will be a very trustworthy method doing it this way don't just stop at one business though you will want to head back to google maps and find all the local businesses within your category that you chose you can even expand and choose multiple categories dentist auto repair plumber accountant or cpa and chiropractor are the most profitable businesses to use they are willing to pay a fee each month to have someone advertise their company and generate more traffic through facebook ads you can be that person number one collect your earnings lastly there are many ways to collect your earnings you most likely will want to collect them monthly so let these companies know that you can discuss methods of payment and the easiest way may be with paypal let the business know that you accept payment through paypal and give them a link to your paypal email you can also ask for a check additionally if you want cash you can settle up with the company and ask if you can go to their shop and collect the cash from your earnings each month.


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