How to Make Money on YouTube WITHOUT ANY Subscribers! (2021)
I'll share with you exactly what I did
and step by step how you can get started
as well so as you guys can see right
here I actually made one hundred and
fifty seven dollars 48 dollars and one
hundred and thirty-eight dollars now
before I continue and show you how I did
this I want to show you proof so I'll
just open up this tab right here and you
guys can see that so far this month with
this method I made one hundred and six
dollars if I click right here and
reports and then right here you guys
will see some of the earnings that I
made this month so as you guys can see
right there
I actually made a decent amount of money
so with all of these commissions I made
one hundred and forty-four dollars if I
click right here I actually made one
hundred and fifty nine now some of these
got declined so it's actually a bit less
but it's still a very good amount
without having any subscribers okay so
how does this method actually work so
this method comes down to ranking videos
in search so this basically means that
whenever someone searches for a phrase
right here on YouTube search you will
appear so that could be how to lose
weight for example right how to lose
weight fast so people type this into the
search bar and they'll then find all of
these videos the goal here is to end up
somewhere in these top five or top for
ranking spots so that you will actually
drive traffic
after you rank the videos in search it's
all about promoting an offer in the
video that's exactly what I've been
doing as well to make this money right
here so this money doesn't come from
YouTube ads because you can do this
without being monetized
without having any subscribers so it's
all about promoting an offer in the
video now when you're promoting an offer
in the video and you rank it in search
you're gonna get views you can under
I've traffic to that offer and you will
then get sales so that's exactly what I
did so I make a video I rank it in
YouTube search and like I said don't
worry for that you don't need
subscribers you don't promote an offer
in that video if people then go ahead
and purchase that offer you will earn a
commission I'll show you how that works
and how you can get started with that
but that's kind of the business model
behind us so if you're interested in
this if this sounds promising then keep
watching because right now I'll show you
step-by-step how you can get started on
YouTube this method is called affiliate
marketing now affiliate marketing is a
way of making money online where you
don't need your own product and you
don't need an upfront investment this
means that you're gonna promote a
product or service from someone else
you're gonna earn a commission for sale
so someone else has made a product they
put hours and hours into creating a
product so you don't have to all you
need to do is get your own link you then
drive traffic to that link and once
people actually buy using that link you
will earn a cut of the sale for example
if you're selling any product right that
will cost $10 and you will earn a 50%
Commission you would make five dollars
every single time you make a sale now
there are also products where you might
make like five hundred dollars or one
hundred dollars so let's say that
there's a product that will cost five
hundred dollars and they will give you a
20% Commission that means that every
single time you would sell that product
you would make $100 the reason why this
is such a good method is because you
don't need subscribers you don't need
upfront capital so you don't need to
invest money and you can get started
right away okay so how can you actually
get started so first of all you need to
find an offer to promote this means that
you need to find an affiliate program
that you can use to drive traffic and
sales so right there this is my
affiliate program right now I'm
promoting VPNs so that's an option for
you as well but I recommend searching
for best affiliate programs on Google
now once you do that you'll find a list
of different affiliate platforms for
example this one right here best
affiliate programs in 2020 alright so
this is a block where you can find
different affiliate programs so right
there you can see cg affiliate
ShareASale Amazon Associates ebay
Partner Network Clickbank let's see if
they have more travel payouts Skyscanner
booking com so there are a different and
like hundreds if not thousands of
affiliate programs that you can join so
first of all find an affiliate program
for this video though I'm gonna keep it
simple and I'm gonna show you guys the
product that I use myself so this is the
product that i promote it's called
ipvanish and it's a VPN so a VPN helps
you change your online location and make
sure that you're safe on the internet
and this is what I promote so if I go
all the way down I was able to click on
partners on the website and you would
find a lot of affiliate programs on
websites itself so you don't need to
join like an actual network most of the
times you can just go to a website and
find the affiliate program so right
there affiliate program it has all the
new and updated rules and you can check
that out yourself but all I need to do
is click right there and become an
affiliate if you want to join this
specific program now once you're in the
affiliate program you will get your own
promotion link which is this one right
here so that's step number one make sure
you go copy that once you've found an
offer to promote you need to create
content around your offer this means
that you need to make sure that you're
able to create content about your offer
and make sure that you actually get
people interested in buying the product
now this doesn't mean that you need to
spam your link everywhere on YouTube you
need to provide value so that people
will actually buy the product and that's
exactly what I do as well I create
videos about how people can change their
country on Netflix in 2020 so in this
video I'm providing value because
someone wants to find out how do you can
change their location
Netflix and I show them exactly how they
can do that and for that they need a VPN
so that's exactly what I'm showing them
in the video so all I do is I share how
they can change their online location
with the VPN and what I do then is I
leave a link in the description down
below off this video and in the pinned
comment as well and when people are
interested in buying they click on this
link right here you can see it get
ipvanish so I promote I pre vanish in
that video this will send them over to
this page where they can get a sale as
well and if they didn't go ahead and
purchase this I would actually make a
small commission which is great so when
doing this make sure that you choose a
product that you can create content
about now if you're not sure how to
create content I highly recommend just
watching tutorials on YouTube and figure
it out step-by-step don't be overwhelmed
by creating content just figured out
step-by-step that's exactly what I did
as well and right now I can actually
make content myself next up you need to
make sure to rank in search so that you
can drive traffic so this is actually
one of the most important steps because
if you don't get fused no one's gonna be
able to buy your product so for this you
need to do research now this means that
you're gonna research what kind of
topics you can make a video about and
how you can then use that product in
that video so that you can actually get
people to buy your product and it all
makes sense for them like I said it's
not about spamming the product it's
about providing value and helping people
with your product and that's a mistake
many people make they think it's just
about spamming and getting people to buy
but you need to provide value so that
people are actually interested in buying
the product you don't need to sell the
product but the product needs to sell
itself step number one that I always do
is the youtube search bar predictions
now if you don't know you can actually
use the youtube search bar to come up
with different keywords I just open up a
new window and let me go to youtube ok
so on YouTube if you go to the search
bar and you type in how to YouTube will
actually show you all of these search
bar predictions now these are not random
predictions these are actual keyword
phrases that people are searching for so
you can find out what people are
interested in you can jump in and make
the video for example if people search
how to change Netflix you'll then find
Netflix password and right there
Netflix region and Netflix location so
you can find all of these different
keywords and that's exactly what I do so
how to change Netflix location to USA
let's see if I'm actually showing up yes
and there I am so I jump in made a video
about this and I'm then promoting my
offer in this video so once again it's
all about finding the key words and the
phrases that people are searching for
you then go ahead and make a video with
that title so in this case it's not the
same title but because it's relevant I'm
still ranking for this key word phrase
which is awesome you can go ahead and
make a video on that topic on that
keyword phrase it doesn't need to be
fancy this is just a simple screen
recording video and next up you leave a
link in the description down below to
your product now once you've found a
potential keyword phrase you need to
make sure to analyze the competition
because if there's a lot of competition
and you're just starting out it's gonna
be hard to rank your video here's what I
always do when analyzing the competition
so I do is I copy this keyword phrase
right here that you're trying to rank
for I didn't click on find in Google or
Firefox doesn't matter and then I check
whether people are using this keyword
phrase the exact keyword phrase in their
title or description so the title and
description are the most important to
rank your video after watch time and if
you're overwhelmed by this don't worry
I'll get into this later on as well by
using this trick you can find out if
people are using this in their titles
and description in this case no one's
actually using this exact key phrase in
their title or description which means
that I'm gonna get a fair chance of
ranking this video
so once you've analyzed the competition
you want to decide if the keyword is
worth making a video about if it is then
you're gonna make the video if not
you're gonna do this over again so it
was not worth it go back to the YouTube
search bar predictions find a potential
keyword topic or keyword phrase that
people are searching for and then do
this all again okay so how can you
video now there are so many things that
go into this so I can talk about this
for like 50 minutes however I made a
video on a different channel of mine
where I break this down step by step
I'll link it on the screen right now but
basically it comes down to SEO search
engine optimization this means that
you're gonna optimize your video to rank
in the search bar so for example when
people search for how to watch Spongebob
on Netflix all I actually show up with a
different channel of mine if people
search for how to go live on Tech Talk I
show up in the first place as well so I
definitely know how to rank those videos
and I highly recommend watching that
video I made anyway it also comes down
to optimizing engagement so YouTube
takes a look at the engagement of a
video do people actually watch the video
do people click on the video do people
leave comments do they like the video
basically do they engage with the video
the higher your engagement rate the
likelier YouTube is to promote your
video and to move it up in the search
results it also comes down to
consistency and patience you're not
gonna make a video and then out of
nowhere it's gonna rank first right away
you're gonna get thousands of views it
takes time to build up I'll show you a
graph right now on one of my channels
that's purely focused on getting search
traffic so all of these views come from
YouTube search it takes a while and then
later on it will actually go up like
crazy so it's kind of like a snowball
fact so I highly recommend you be
consistent and have patience okay so how
do you actually get paid from these
platforms right well it kind of depends
on the platform that you're using or the
affiliate program that you've joined my
payments will be signed by the furtive
of each month for example they will pay
the money that I made in June at the end
of July so that's how it works basically
and that's the method I use to make
money on YouTube without having any
subscribers if you appreciate this quick
tutorial make sure you go ahead and
subscribe to the channel I would
appreciate that leave a like on the
video and comment make money on YouTube
if you want to find out more about this
specific topic I appreciate it and I'll
see you in the next one have a good day.
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