How we made $40k in a month as a team of 4

hey guys
filming for you from a new location today we booked our getaway in Malibu for seven days and it's completely amazing with an ocean and everything makes me want to create even more and today I wanted to share my thoughts on building your first team so when you're just starting a business you might think well I thought this way that the more people I have the more revenue I would be able to generate and I always thought that if a company is big if it's making millions and billions of dollars that means they have hundreds and thousands of people until I learnt about online business online products having independent contractors and everything that I'm going to talk about today is based on my own experience last month I have a company called lingual marina last month we were able to generate 40,000 dollars and we're only a team of four and all of my people all of my team are independent contractors and I think this is amazing if somebody told me that 10 years ago I would have been really surprised but now I think I have more experience in building teams and communicating with people who are remote because hiring remotely especially if you're in California is a lot a lot cheaper today I'm gonna talk about how I build this team how I created instructions for them and how we're able to effectively communicate with me be in California another person being in Europe another person being Ukraine another person being in Russia and we're also going to talk about a tool that helps me do that it's called band it's a messenger app and they're sponsoring this video thank you so much guys for that so yeah if you're interested continue watching now the number one what's really important if you're just starting a business I think it's really important to kind of try and do everything yourself first not because it's effective because it's not effective at all your role as a founder is to create strategy is to create a vision where you're going what are you doing and if you end creating invoices yourself posting on your social media you know creating content working with clients selling that means all of your time is going into operations which is not effective at all but if you're just starting out I would do everything yourself in order to understand how fast you can perform a task what does this task consist off and before you delegate you need to create instructions for everything and a note when you're just starting a company you don't think about instructions you don't really think about delegating KPIs everything you're interested in is generating money but you know guys I've made so many mistakes with building teams with trying to delegate things I didn't understand myself and I lost a lot of money on that so let me give you a couple of steps that you need to start with so first of all you need to think about your companies and about your team in terms of functions not people so you don't have a marketing person you have three functions that are related to marketing so for example function number one is your social media management or whatever and you have Instagram and for every function you need to have clear instructions so for your Instagram post daily and you know I'm gonna write like outline of instructions they have to be really really thorough so you post daily the photo should have a person it should be from a source that wouldn't penalize you for using their images so it has to be licensed free content or something you generate yourself then write a text with a call to action you know it's up to you I don't know how your business is gonna function but for my teams I have very clear instructions of how one Instagram post works and you have this perfect time to post for example you tell them you post at 9 p.m. every day depends on where you are and also for every function you have a KPI so how do you know that the person is performing well for example subscriber growth Organic of course growth 10% engagement is 10% and so for every single function this is function number one then you have function number two for example that's a Facebook and so for every single function you're gonna go like that you will describe everything so first of all you do it yourself you understand how to do it you understand the best practices you outline them and only then you delegate this is really important because if you think you're gonna hire a specialist who's going to do everything for you well especially if you're just starting out with your business you won't be able to qualify that person you won't be able to understand just from one interview or maybe three interviews you won't be able to understand whether that person is good enough and then you you would end up delegating things you don't understand and you would end up with a bad result so first of all you're gonna create functions and create instructions and KPIs for every function it's okay to adjust them later we update instructions every month like if something comes up you know we add them to instructions so this is number one and then you hire a person it doesn't have to be like a dedicated person for every function then you hire a marketing manager who's gonna take over function number one number two and number three and then you hire a personal assistant by the way if you're just starting out again your first heart should be your personal assistants because you probably won't be able to find a specialized person for everything you want to delegate and personal assistant would be the best so function number four function number five goes to your personal assistant and then you're left with a couple of functions which are probably strategy and overall growth of your company so this is the way I want you to think about hiring new people second this is kind of legal aspect and this really depends on where you are but I would really if you're in California like me and if you're working remotely if everything is online I would hire somebody from a different country or from a different state which is cheaper which is more cost effective and then the current situation everybody is working from home anyway so why bother and hire some in a very expensive state let other big companies do that who have billions of revenue we're gonna hire in Cheaper countries where a lot of talented people are gonna be excited about working with you now once you have even one person on a team two people on the team you need to set rules on how you communicate for example in my case I don't like when people send me audio messages I tell them that I can send you audio messages and you have to test me because this way I'm able to save my own time and that makes it easier to communicate with you then for example you tell them you know we have this report we have this spreadsheet you need to fill it in every week and I'm gonna read it and then we're gonna jump on a call to discuss further strategy so it has to be really clear on how you communicate with your team you know once you have your KPI once you up all the functions it's really easy to set up as I mentioned at the beginning of this video there is an app called band and band is a group communication platform for all types of groups and when you set your company on band I would create a group chat for all the members of your team and we do that for general announcements for strategy I like to record like a weekly video for my linguae trip team for example to tell them this is what's happening this is what's gonna happen because I think that calls the last an hour and include every member of the team are really ineffective because that time could be spent on you know creating something new so I would just send them a video message through this group chat and you can use band for that perfect application you're just saying in a video and people can react to it and leave their comments if you want to make this communication more powerful you can create a poll and ask your team what they think about the past month do you think it was good or whatever you know this is good if you have a bigger team and you want to kind of under stand the general perspective of your team the next thing if you have a team of more than three people you can go live and tell them what's going on that could also be done through Ben tab because again sometimes when you have this group call with four or five people and everyone starts talking at the same moment that's a little complicated but if you're the one delivering the message you can go live and just read messages from your team so again there are a lot of features there are a lot of things you can do but you as a founder have to come up with a schedule of how it's better for you because if you don't feel comfortable with your team if you don't feel comfortable communicating with them if you set up a schedule that limits your creativity then you know this is gonna reflect on the revenue this is gonna reflect on your management style so first of all when you create a company think about how things work better for you and then talk to your team members and gonna generate this routine that's gonna work for all of you I want it also to take a little deeper on how it works on my team I have my salesperson I have a video editor I have my social media manager in my assistant these are the four people that will work with constantly every day and my communication with the team doesn't take more than two hours a day because the rest I spend time you know with my family filming videos doing creative stuff and this is something I want you to strive for I came to this after reading 4-hour workweek by Tim Ferriss yes I'm not even close to four hours a week I'm doing a little well twice as much or three times as much as he's done but this is something to start with so if you limit your communication time to maybe one hour a day two hours a day then you have a lot more time and energy to actually create and band is one of the best tools to kind of set everything up because it's free it has a lot of different features that we talked about like Falls and livestreams and whatever so just go ahead and try even if you're on your own right now I would just start creating the structure of your company because once you start growing there would be no time to think about these things about instructions about kpi's then things are gonna speed up really fast and its really good to have foundation for your future growth band is loved by leaders of teams and groups because it makes their communication efficient leaders can customize their band settings to allow or disable certain features for group members leaders have all the group members in one app so they can always easily update everyone and immediately when last-minute changes happen whatever your group or team's goal is band will help you get there together the link to download band app would be below this video I'm gonna wrap up this video with describing our sources of revenue for the last month because you might be wondering how I can make the same so basically we have our ads product placements we have our digital products and digital products include courses my youtube course workbooks I have an english-language workbook and affiliate income so here's the revenue breakdown twenty five thousand here fourteen thousand here and 1k here I'm proud of my team I'm really proud of myself that I was able to set this up I'm really proud of you guys because you're watching this video up to the very end and you're hitting the like button that means that you're actually you know learning information from me and hopefully you're gonna create your online business but basically yeah the last tip that I wanted to share with you is you know have these multiple sources of income because they're gonna keep your company afloat no matter what happens if the world goes down if quarantine lasts for years you know having different streams of income different products it's gonna help you a lot thank you guys so much for watching this video up to the very end the link to download the band app is below I really hope that you start creating this solid foundation for your company right now and I hope you enjoy watching my business related videos my business tips you're not yet subscribed this channel there is a red button below hit subscribe and I will see you very soon hopefully from the same location by.


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