My advice for 20 years old

I'm 29 years old four years ago we moved to Silicon Valley to take part in accelerator we got our initial investment a hundred thousand dollars and I was a completely different person and it's amazing how we change within a year within six months within four years there's a dramatic change there's some advice that I wanted to give my 25 year old self and I wanted to share this advice with you [Music] number one we just came to Silicon Valley there were so many opportunities around us people started talking about chatbots like oh my god this thing is gonna explode everyone's just start a chatbot some people were telling us don't just focus on one market you need to grow your company everywhere at the same time and there was so many things flowing around like maybe try to this try to that and at some stage we want to try creating a chatbot at some stage we tried launching ads and five different languages at the same time but then we understood that you can chase every single opportunity in your life and yes there will be so many things they're gonna come around but you only need to focus on what you feel right because you know we ended up yes it was a great experience going through a 500 and you know trying different things but then in November 2015 we're like our product is not growing the way we want it to grow so we just went back to Russia and focused on one market one product and made sure we became cashflow positive because otherwise just chasing everything that's going on around you especially when you're a new place you're tempted to do that you're tempted to meet all the people you're tempted to try all the different things but this is not gonna work you only chase opportunities that you feel resonate with your heart number two no one can tell you how to grow your business initially we came to the US with some kind of expectation that we were going to meet people who would tell us what was the best way to market our company or what was the best product that we should launch and you know sometimes you think that there are other people who know better and it works in terms of business and in terms of life I mean this advice the sometimes you think I just need to hire a better marketing manager and then my business is gonna take off or sometimes you listen to your friends advice who's telling you hey you should get married to this guy cuz he's amazing and then you end up marrying him and you are very unhappy in your marriage but guess what your friend is not responsible your friend is gonna tell you he seemed and I I I'm sorry you're having troubles with your private life but you know these are your problems now it's no my fault same with business the guy's gonna come he's gonna tell you all lunch Facebook ads with this creative and you launched Facebook ads and you spend three thousand dollars and you lose them you don't get any clients so the guy's like I'm sorry it worked for another client that I worked with so it's always relying on yourself you are the person who knows how to grow your business you are the person who knows what to do in your life because in the end you're responsible for every single decision and you're gonna deal with the problems that are gonna arise number three when I was 25 I didn't well I cared about my health but I wasn't doing my own research and I think in terms of health this is super crucial because there is no person in this world who is more interested in you being healthy and I will go to different doctors and they would tell me like I had some problems that would tell me like okay start those hormones or start those antibiotics or whatever and I would just take all of those pills and it ended up with a surgery or whatever like I took too much and after that I started researching everything if I have a problem I would see three different doctors I would read a lot of research and I think this is the best approach to your health because again it's just you who's interested in being healthy and I think food is the best investment so I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible I became interested in Integrative Medicine a certain striking vitamins in my blood I started investing in really good food and I'm super happy to say that this video is sponsored by picked e t--'s that I've been drinking for a while now that are really healthy and their company's mission is aligned with what I think about my health right now there are tea crystals I made via a cold brew crystallization method it all starts with premium organic teas and herbs sourced from family-run farms which is super important and their teas are one of the most effective ways to unlock the amazing benefits of tea like gut health support fasting support and promoting calmness as a Russian I drink a lot of teeth I drink three or four cups a day and sometimes my teeth get colored sometimes I look at my cup and it has the stains and I wonder where is my tea coming from what am I putting in my buddy with big tea I don't have this problem anymore I like that there are teas at triple toxin screened so they ensure a higher level of purity than any other tea on the market by screening for dangerous and common toxins like pesticides heavy metals and toxic mold I try it screening one of the teas that I've been drinking for a while for mold and if you take the tea leaves and you leave them moist for a couple of days they're gonna start growing mold which is not really healthy they shouldn't be doing that within such a short period of time I recently had a severe sinus infection you probably still hear it and immunity elixir from fake tea really helped me to boost my immune system and I was drinking their teas like every single day they also have a great variety of tea cough teas because if I drink three cups of caffeinated tea in a row I get a little shaky if you like to check pick tea out check the description box and access my link to try their teas they have decided to offer you a very special discount with my link below go to big t dot Live / marina and for a limited time you get 10% of their fall favors with the code marina 10 pick rarely if ever it gives discounts so head over to try their teas out and I hope that you guys will have this first step towards caring about your health with getting organic non-toxic products including tea what you have at home you're gonna end up eating and drinking and I have this theory that you'd better invest in something really good maybe have smaller amounts but then you make sure that at home you only eat and drink the best things that are there on the market the next advice for a 25 year old marina after caring about her health care about your time and hire a personal assistant and right now I think that the first hire for any entrepreneur should be a personal assistant but don't do it like oh hey I have some money less hire a personal assistant for saying that you need to do is actually document every single step of an action that you want to delegate like how to check my email I have my instruction how to check my email is at least six pages long with all the different templates that you can use to reply and this is for like my email that you can access from my Instagram so I get a lot of emails there I documented every single process and I delegated it don't expect people to understand what you want from them just by you know working for you they need clear instructions so now once you delegate those things you can focus on what really matters and for me as an entrepreneur strategy really matters creating content is what I'm passionate about so focusing on my superpowers instead of you know checking emails or filling out different forms so I would tell that 25 year old marina hire an assistant to deal with all the documents and stuff and you better focus on marketing your company and advice number five create more content I was creating content back then but it was only in Russian I only had one channel and my Instagram was not really developed it was like yeah maybe there are too many things I'm putting out but now there are several reasons why I think I should have posted more first this was a great figure in our lives who were like getting a first car ever we're renting an apartment moving to America and it's great to see all of that second I would be able to show that to my kids and show them like hey this is how your mom and dad moved to a completely new country and third it's amazing how videos tend to perform over time on YouTube so those videos that I've created four years ago I still generating traffic for the channel are still generating revenue falling whatever because I was mentioning that we came to Silicon Valley to grow a company and I think there is no really such thing as over posting if you feel that this content really resonates with you and now I post our three videos a week for three different channels and I have Instagram with the stories then I post on Facebook and it's still that maybe I should do more because there are so many thoughts out there that I want to give to you guys there are so many things that I feel that are missing from the content I'm creating so advice to 25 year old marina create more content don't be afraid of post don't be afraid to over share you know just go out there and share your thoughts with the world thank you so much you guys for watching this video I hoped I was able to help you with my advice and I hope your life is gonna be better after watching this video if you're not yet subscribed to this channel there's a red button below thank you so muc


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