Easiest Way To Make Money Online In Canada 2021 - $1,000 Per Day

hello everyone so today i'm recording this video to show you this insane method that i just found a couple of weeks ago about a month ago on uh how to make money online now if someone told me that this method can make me a lot of money really quickly and easily online i would not believe them which is why i tried it. I tested it myself and uh wow this is amazing this is crazy so just to give you some background uh on myself really quickly i'm gonna show you the method really quickly really soon but i just wanna tell you some more info about myself uh so i'm a math graduate and i couldn't get a job or a well-paying job anywhere and that wasn't really perfect um working full-time sucks i mean the whole nine-to-five thing and all that it really is not perfect uh but let's get to the chase and let me show you what i mean so i'm going to open my google chrome here and then i'm going to open my paypal activity tab and you can already see some of my recent payments here you can see my latest one on august 7th which is which is just one day ago yesterday i uh i received i made over 12 000 euros now this is in about a week's time so you can see here in about five days i made 12 000 euros uh let's take a look at um at the first payment and then the following payments first so you can see here i started the beginning of july and about a week after starting on july 10th I received my first payment the payment wasn't the largest as you can see here it's 217 euros but it really was something else i mean i'm making this on the side working as much as i can i mean an hour or two whenever i can whenever i have the free time and at this point even though it's 200 euros every week that's about 800 900 euros every month and making that on the side really does help your finances and i was thinking okay i should probably put in a little more time to see how this goes and as you can see the next week or not even a week six days i made four times as much because i put in more time into it and uh at this point i was really thinking i really need to invest more time and uh take this more seriously because it's obviously super profitable i mean 872 euros in a week is 3 200 euros per month which is a lot of money and as you can see here i started uh doing it in about um every every week about every week so like every five six days uh i received the new payment and as you can see the payments here they are skyrocketing i mean after making the 800 it almost tripled then it more than doubled. then it doubled into 11 000 and um by the end of the month or i guess the beginning of august i had made about uh 21 000 euros now this is a huge amount of money and i really couldn't believe that this is real so i decided to make a withdrawal to my bank as you can see here right after receiving the payment so on august 2nd i withdrew to my bank i would do all the money that i had made before uh in the month before which is 21 321 euros and 92 cents and uh after the weekend this money was in my bank account and uh even though it's 20 000 i mean i'm speaking like it's a small amount but 20 000 euros really can change your life uh i went uh right after receiving the money i went out i bought a an iphone which is funny that that's the first thing that i bought but i got an iphone um i bought more clothes i started going out and eating out with friends um it really does change your life even though it's just 20 20 000 euros and um my plan for now as you can see here i'm continuing this obviously i mean who would be mad not to continue with a method this good um my plan for now is to make enough money to actually buy an apartment instead of renting and i can finally stop throwing money at someone else instead of buying an apartment for myself um and looks like i can finally afford it in a couple of months i can finally afford an apartment um but yeah let's not waste any more time here. let me show you how this method actually works so this method works in online casinos and uh i know what you're thinking but don't worry this is not one of those red black tricks that don't work they're all scams we all know that we're not doing that this is a new method it does work as you just saw in my paypal account a couple of moments ago and i will show it to you now so you can see it for yourself now most online casinos don't work with this method because they can find a way to block you after they see you winning in a row a lot of times so just check the description of this video and you can find a link to the best website and the one that we are using and uh the one that works with this method so let's get to the chase let's go to uh the roulette section here and then let's go to french roulette and play now okay here we go all loaded up um everyone knows how roulette works so i will not be explaining that in this video but uh we're not here to try and get lucky we are following a precise sequence so the sequence is red black red red black black that's the sequence that we're going to be repeating as much as we need to and i will put uh an image uh to the sequence in the description as well as a link to the website so you can check them out um. now another thing before we start we i i need to tell you that we will be using the classic double up but uh this is very different because we are using a precise sequence that cannot be reverse followed all the time and thus you have a 100 chance of winning every single time so here is how it works um you can see my balance down here and you can see uh the chip that we're using the chip we're using is the smallest amount so we start with the sequence we put a chip on red and we click spin let me lower the volume just a little bit so it's not too loud we click spend great we won now we clear the table always clear the table and we go to the next color in the sequence which is black so red black we spin and we won again now the next color in the sequence is red black so red again we put a chip and we spin and we won again so uh we follow the sequence and the sequence tells us to go red again so it was red black red. it's red again so we put a chip and we spin no more bits please we won again i'm waiting to lose so i can show you the double up method so let's continue with the sequence and put a chip on black no more bets please okay so we lost which is good so i'm going to show you what the double up method means now following the sequence we went red black red red black to finish off the sequence we need to finish off on black so we put a chip but because we lost the previous time we need to double up double up means just putting a chip that's gonna double the previous amount so we had one now we have two and uh this basically ensures that you don't lose any money because you will see let's let's see let's spin no more please so we lost again now because the sequence is finished we need to start the sequence all over again which is red again so we went red red black black or sorry we went red black red red black black so now we start again with red now we put the same amount because we lost the previous time. we put the same amount here which was two and then we double it up so we bet four chips we spent and we won and as you can see here down here in the balance we already have five euros made we didn't lose any money even though the roulette technically lost we didn't so because we won this time the next color in the sequence is black and because we won we only bet one chip so no double up when you win we spin we win again clear the table always clear the table uh the next color in the sequence is red again so we need to do red red and black black and finish off the sequence the second time so put a chip on red because we won the previous time we only put one chip and we spin so hop on again now put a tip on red again and we need to spin again. okay we lost so the next color in the sequence is black twice black so we put a chip but because we lost the previous time we double up so we don't lose any money we lost again so we need to double up the previous amount the next color in the sequence is black so we have two we need to double that up to four and we spin we lost again so we need to start over the sequence all over so to start the sequence again it starts with red we put the same amount that we lost which was 4 and then we double it up two eight and then we spin no more bench plates and we want as you can see here we already have a few rows made we can continue with the sequence we can the next color in the sequence is black we put one chip because we won we don't put double up we just put a single chip and we spin we lost so we need to double up on the next color in the sequence which in this case is red we double up to two chips and we spin we won now the next color in the sequence is red again so because we won we only put one chip we spin. we lost so we need to double up on the next color in the sequence which is black so we put a chip we double up and we score we lost again so we need to double up the previous amount the color in the sequence is black so we put the chip the the amount of chips that we lost and we double it up and we spin no more we lost again so we start the sequence all over we put the amount that we lost and plus four and we double it up to eight no more bets please we lost again so uh we need to double up that amount in the next color in the sequence which is black so we put eight chips and we double it up to 16. we spend no more bets please and we won and as you can see here we already have uh 10 credits uh or sorry we got 10 credits but 10 credits equals to 10 euros that we have made and uh without continuing i'm gonna show you i've created a little table here that's gonna show us uh what we can make potentially now you can see that we use the minimum bet you can see this is expected earnings and the minimum bet amount was one euro that we use you can change the chip amount but the lowest one is one euro and the one that we are using now uh we played for 10 minutes and we made about uh 10 euros now if we put in the amount here and we click off the field it's going to calculate how much we're gonna make per hour if we continue doing this for hour or an hour we would make 60 euros now there are people who get jobs at minimum wage for like 10 euros or 15 euros and we can make 60 euros per hour with this method and then if you decide to work two hours per day or three hours per day you can make 120 180 per hour. um or here per week uh you can make 2 400 euros this per week i've calculated it um eight hours per day for five days per week so you can make 200 2 400 euros if you do that and then per month almost 10 000 euros um now uh when i started off i started with the one euro chips and then i slowly started building up i'm currently doing uh five euro chips and i make about 50 uh per 10 minutes so as you can see here it does add up because per week i make about 12 000 euros according to the expected earnings table and if we take a look at our people activity again you can see that this is about right it's uh here it's a little lower than twelve thousand here it's a little bit over twelve thousand uh but the table is here just to show us uh the expected earnings so um that's the expected earnings i would start off with one just as i did if you want to try this you should start off with just one bets one your bets and uh then you can build up to two to five and even more if you want to now you can see here on the right that i have another uh table uh it's called the safety ratios now what a safety ratio is uh it means that the amount you start with gives you a specific certainty so what this is based on is how many times you can double up now if you start with 64 euros you can double up six times and this gives you good certainty with 128 times you can double up seven times and that's very good certainty now what um what this means is if you start with 64 you can double up six times what this means is if you uh lose one euro you can double up to two then you can double up to four then to eight sixteen thirty two sixty four that means you can double up six times as you can see here the one that i started with is great certainty which was 256 euros and i can double eight eigh. t i can double up excuse me i can double up eight times now uh as you can see here the best um starting point is 512 euros this is gives you absolute certainty and you can double up nine times and now in french roulette the highest amount of times you can double up is nine so this is indeed absolute certainty and the chances of winning are around 99 so i would recommend you start the same as me at 256 euros um you can start again with any amount that you wish you can start with 50 euros or you know with a thousand or with you know any amount i think the lowest is 20 that you can start you can see the table uncertainties uh this is completely up to you um so after showing you this i'm pretty sure that you can see that it does actually work i mean if you look at the papal balance again while i speak about this you can see that it does actually work and i will definitely be continuing to do this i just want to share with more people and uh the the the potential of this method it just is just insane i mean i'm gonna continue with drawing every month and i'm gonna probably be making a lot more i mean you can see here that i made like lower amounts that came up to 20 000 but now if i make 12 000 for the next three weeks i'm gonna withdraw in total over 80 000 euros and uh that's just an insane number now i really really think that this method is exceptional it is really good as you can see here it really is life-changing i mean i can finally as i said i can finally afford an apartment in a couple of months i can afford to spend money on electronics i can afford to spend money on going out eating out ordering um even video games i am definitely going to be spending money on traveling uh and the point is that with this method dreams aren't really dreams anymore you can come here it's possible to achieve them and uh i'm definitely going to continue doing this i just wanted to share with with other people and make everyone's lives that much better and everyone's dreams come true well you will be making your dreams come true i'm just showing you a pretty good way of doing it and uh yeah that's it guys i if you do try it leave a comment let me know what you think let me know how this has worked for you uh that's it that's it goodbye


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