How To Make Money Online in Canada For Free 2021 (Make Money Online 2021)

hey guys so in this video I'm gonna teach you six ways to make money online in Canada I've structured these matters in a certain way so that any of you guys watching this video just go through each method step-by-step and make sure not to skip any of the mess because I've structured them in such a way that they're gonna bring you from one place to a specific place over time so just try out each of the matters I don't skip any of them in this video so the first two messes are going to show you there go ahead just for about an hour's work every day you're gonna be here to pay your rent out of doing these methods then the next three matters are going to show you a kind of life-changing ones that take a lot more work but the sort thing where you can just give up your 95 fire boss become your own boss there are really great methods and then the six method is kind of going to go back to one just some pain the rent but it's a really cool source hipped I'm going to show you there and that one as well and then hidden this video I'm gonna give you a little secret tape as well and it relates to how you can use 60 seconds out of your day to really start making money and blow up a business for yourself and start making a lot of money online so guys let's get into this video now [Music] [Applause] you okay guys before we get started let me just tell you a tiny bit about myself first my name's Barney and I went to college for six years and during those six years it was grade I came out with a great qualification and then I went from college into office job and I kind of found out that just all the work at all the years of Education felt a little bit like a lie because I was kind of educated to a job they didn't really want to do and just be part of the system and how that job was great but I just found that I was a little bit unemployable because in my hand I just love thinking about things I love trying out things I love experimented I love being kind of childlike but how experiment would think so I just wasn't like illuminated by that job so I was trying to find something different in my life so excited for some reason I don't even know why but I started Google search in ways to make money online and at the time I didn't really believe it was possible to make money online but I just I searched for ways to see could I make it happen and I found some methods that definitely didn't work lots of methods that deftly didn't work I found some methods that worked a little the warm really worth pursuing I found some scans that were out there looking I never got scammed but I probably came could also probably could have been scammed and and then I found some methods that work really really well and were quite easy so I brought those down into the six most simple methods that I can teach you and I'm gonna teach you those in this video now okay so method number one and some of you guys might have heard of this one before and if you think it sounds like rubbish just stick with me so method number one is paid surveys so no paid service a lot of people just laugh at that but really if you stick a paid surveys and you do but one to two hours work everyday you'll lie in your bed on your own time that could pay your rent every month and could eventually start paying more industry payments like it's worth a lot of money to do paid surveys and you can do it in your own time so it's really relaxing on paid surveys have a special place in my heart because when I started looking for ways to make money online it was the first method that actually worked and actually got me some money and actually maybe believe in so much bigger things I'll teach you about later on in this video so paid service the best way to find paid surveys is just to go Google search paid surveys in your area and you'll see a load website couple just sign up for all those websites and all you have to do then is once you've registered you pick a survey go and answer questions about yourself that's all you have to do answer honestly do not lie when you're answering these questions because sometimes you can be tempted to lie and answer the questions very quick but the thing is if you start lying these websites are good swig on to the fact that you're giving David different answers every time and you're going to get blacklisted and then they won't pay you at all so just keep you honest ancestors fill out the surveys just put an hour of work in every day and you're gonna find it to go to make a lot of money to pay for a lot of things so paid service a really recommended place to get started just to prove yourself that you can actually make money online so method number two is a really cool one and when I start making money online a big plan that I had originally was to get a chance to travel the world with my girlfriend so I was trying to find a way that I could make some extra money from anywhere in the world while I was traveling I'm working I started working remotely and the best meant that I found to do this was called transcription so meta number two is transcription so what transcription is is that you just listen to a piece of audio or video content and you just type what you hear in the audio or video content so people who are content creators who make audio or video content well often want to in a written form so they can put it into a blog or whatever we're trying to do with but a lot of times they don't want to put in the work to type out what they hear so what they'll do is they'll go to websites like or transcribing and they'll upload their piece of content onto that website and then people like you or I will go and we will apply for that job and then we go and type what we hear and you can get loads of jobs this and you can make actually quite good money once you get quicker but it takes a bit of work to get quick at transcription to make it very worthwhile but once you do get quicker you'd easily make enough money to pay your rent by plugging in 1 to 2 hours work per day so transcription is definitely a recommended method to make a little bit of extra money and the best way to learn transcription is to go and sign up for the site or transcribe me completely free to use and free to join and they'll train you in transcription and will give you jobs well and the way they make money is that people who have uploaded those jobs pay them also and they pay you know so method number 3 and this is where I get really excited about stuff because this is where I think life-changing stuff happens for people who are just looking to make a few wait online make a few extra quid to people that are actually thinking about changing their lives in a dramatic way and this method has changed my life in so many ways and a soul simple and you can just do it for free which is the best part at all so metric number three is what you're watching right now i'm c youtuber you might laugh i'm not consider youtubing to be this great moneymaker but trust me you could make thousands every month millionaires are made on YouTube but it takes a bit of work so you have to put in six to twelve months to 18 months and possibly even two years depending just something how good you are and how structured you are and how you start but YouTube is a great way to make money the way to make money on YouTube initially is to get monetize so you can make a lot of money in a lot of other ways but the first thing you should be aiming for his monetization so to get monetized you need to get thousand subscribers and four thousand watch hours in the space of one year which is difficult but then one video could get you to how subscribers on one video get you four thousand watch hours and just depends on how productive your work is and how many viewers are getting and the main thing that I recommend we're getting started with YouTube he's just getting out there and making your first video I mean I was so I mean I'm still not great at YouTube and I've loved learn to do a lot of proven to do but when I started off I was so cringe ly bad I have no talent for YouTube or speaking on camera and I've always had a fear of going on camera but I just did it to push myself and I told the guy out my comfort zone and I have improved a lot but I'm still not great but so so so bad I mean look at this it guys just wanted to make a little video on ripples at sarpy so the prices rose dramatically about a week people which was really exciting and then the the kind of went down just leveled off since so they kind of leveled out around 45 cent I mean I was so bad it's just it embarrasses me look out but you know what I did so a lot of people don't do is like just started and then I did a lot of thing that a lot of people don't do is I started I just kept add an acid and trying to improve so thing that I recommend doom when you start off with YouTube is finding a topic that she lost so I love just things about making money and I love things about business and that just excites me so that's why I've been learning so many things about making money I've learned so many things about starting a business and what I do is when I learn something I just come on my youtube channel I teach it so for you guys I recommend just finding something that you love because you're already talking about it laughs and you're not gonna be making a lot of money out of initially so need to make sure that you're enjoying making the videos that you're making so for example if you're into cars that make YouTube childlike hearts if you're into makeup make a YouTube channel about makeup and then what you need to do is try and get to that first houses subscribers as quick as you can so the way that I recommend doing a little a method that I used is go to Facebook groups that are about the topic that George channel is about so if your child's about cars then go to Facebook groups like ours if your channel is about makeup go to Facebook groups about makeup and just get into those groups that start interacting with people and start adding people into groups as friends and then when people accept your friend request just say I shoot through the message I just ask them to subscribe to your YouTube channel as simple as that if they've got an interest of the topic to save my topic is about whatever the group is about that's where I found you and I hope you could help me out and subscribe to my youtube channel unless someone's a complete they're gonna do that like it why wouldn't someone subscribed to your YouTube channel just to help you out a lot of people will tell you to piss off because some people are just just gobshites like that's the basics of it but then what you do is every time you make a video it starts sharing it into these groups that you signed up for so now what you're doing is you're getting more and more subscribers the whole time and you're getting all your initial views and your videos coming from these Facebook groups and if you find the right groups you could get hundreds or maybe even thousands of views just out of sharing your videos and these groups so now the important thing is to make sure that you've got content so you need to get a code camera I got a new camera recently still learned how to use it but you need to have a good camera but it's not essential star what your camera phone will do fine and you need more soul to have good quality sound so good mic helps I'm still learning how to use just my copy so apologies that my sound isn't great about a love echo in this room as well but you need to have a good mic just a lot the people can understand you and hear you as comforting to listen to you rather than like straining or a lot of background sound ruin it so a good mic is more important than good camera but so much can be done just with your camera phone just hold it up and talking like this in a selfie style and it's great way to get started then what you need to do is plan your content because what I did and so many people do with their new youtubers they just get on and they've kind of hard like I'm going to talk about how to make money online and what they'll do is they'll just come on and the ramble and ramble and ramble without any kind of structure and then they'll say goodbye about 20 times they'll say to subscribe to my channel for 20 times the video will run on for about 20 minutes so what you need to do is have a structure if you're going to follow on even if you're you would like to it's a good idea to script your videos and lots of people script your videos but I usually try to do an outline script but that makes when you do this it makes your videos at least interesting and engaging to watch the next thing you need to be able to do is actually get people to watch your videos and get your videos found and we've talked about sharing in groups but then you need to be able to get found on YouTube and this is has all of us to do with YouTube SEO and youtube SEO is actually quite simple and you will figure that was very quick but and you need to find the right ways to do it so why recommend is learning how to use this free tools pin IQ shoe body and morning fame and if you can learn to use those three tools you'll be ranking your videos better than 90% of your competitors so there's also a training in vid IQ fail IQs free to users paid vs. of us free to use because a training in there called feed IQ Academy you can sign up for that as well and they'll teach you how to make our top nails they'll teach you how to get your videos discover it'll teach us everything you need to know so I recommend going through our training as well and I'll leave links for those three programs down in the description of this video as well if you want to check them out okay so method number four and this one thoroughly changed my life and this one links in so well to YouTube as well and this one is called affiliate marketing the way I like I saw her with a pillion Martin was I was looking for all these methods to make money online and then I started just hearing about a few things here and there and one day I was watching them just a YouTube video like this stumbled upon it and the guy in the video just recommended me to watch some other videos so I just clicked on the link watch the video anyway and it was all about how to start an online business in affiliate Marketing and then at the end of that video it was about ten minutes long I was offered the chance to sign up for a seven dollar course and then that seven dollar course I was brought through a 15 day training series I got to talk to a business advisor they gave me a business plan they gave me all these wonderful tips on how to actually grow a business everything you need to do for affiliate marketing and that's what started me on to youtube then and that just changed my life so much because I'll tell a point I was very direct Phyllis and I always thought I'd make a bit of extra money online but I never really believed it would be possible to replace my 95 income until I went through that training course and I started off so skeptical and so fearful but it changed so many things for me so what a pity marketing is is where you or any person enters into an agreement with a product creator so the product creator does all the really hard work like they create the product for example which is the hardest they do the support so there's poor team answering questions they do all the refunds all that sort of stuff to do the delivery of service of the whole job to do all the updating of the product they do all their counting the invoicing all the dealing with Marshalls accounts and the only job that you have to do is market or advertise that product so many people make a huge mistake when they start out as affiliate marketers that they don't learn how to be a professional affiliate marketer and I made this mistake slow because I went through this training and then I ended up playing what they said in this training and I just went out I started like spamming links everywhere and he'll it's probably a bit of a process that people have to go through sometimes because you don't believe that you need to learn scales it just seems like oh we could just get one person signed up for that link or one person sign up for that lane I think this much money and if actually I'd be a millionaire but what you really need to do is learn marketing skills this is a skilled thing that you have to do so mark the marketing skills that you need for affiliate marketing or first of all you need to be able to blog for YouTube like I am right now I'm really all you're doing with a blog or YouTube is your writing contact content Pro create employment that attracts an ideal customer so someone from a target audience so for instance if you're making if you're an affiliate of makeup products you make videos about makeup and then turn up video you just say checkout link that's in the description and you can sign up for some other makeup tutorial course and people sign up for that and then you get paid Commission so all your favorite youtubers and bloggers I guarantee you that view it out and check out their descriptions or check out their blogs they'll be linking out some other products that you have to pay for and that's how they make big big money now when I say a city of markers make big big money they make serious money the ones that make money make serious when he loves them are just they're not learning how to market professionally are to be professional affiliate marketers so they're not making a lot of money but the ones that do make a lot of money are make serious money so for example Jacob Harris is a guy has been affiliate marketing two years he has made a hundred grand in just one day as an affiliate marketer of a Tony Robbins product and those guys like Nate and Lucas and big mark and Jay Brown those guys are millionaires from the fear of marketing and I think they probably made close to a million a year just from affiliate marketing and for so many people that you know about that we can talk about that the idol know about that are making so much morning from affiliate marketing so the main thing I encourage you to do start out with a favorite marketing is make sure that you're following a proven path and proven step-by-step plans so the way to do that is go and check out that video to change my life those telling you about earlier check out that video i have the link down in the description it's about 10 minutes at the end of that you'll get offered the chance to sign up for that course for seven dollars i go through their 15 day training now what's gonna happen is a lot of you guys are gonna watch that video or go through that 7 day that 15 day training and you're not gonna be into it it just isn't for you is because it's not for everyone not everyone start a business or become an affiliate so what you guys do is if you paid the $7 just go and ask for refunds does the 30 day refund policy so you won't Bluff anything but you learn the bit and I guarantee you you'll find a phone because it is a fun learning experience it's not just this boring task training it's actually really really fun to learn now some of you other guys are gonna find that training epic and that's going to change your life and you guys will be receiving emails for me as well and you can respond to any of those emails and ask me questions I'll be there to support you the whole time as well so you guys I'm gonna be excited to work with you and help you out and we can learn together and maybe we can help each other out over time so that's a really a one thing die-offs teach you in this video is check out Marketing check out that link is that it's in the description and sign up for that seven dollar course and give it a goal or if it's not for you then ask for a read okay so method number five and I'm not gonna linger too much in this one because I don't actually do this matter because affiliate marketing is so much easier than this method is I still gotta talk about this method because so many people use it to make millions every year and it is a great method and it might be something look into in the future but affiliate marketing is just much much easier but this method is called trap shipping so what drop shipping is that you would set up an online shop so just an online store so you go somewhere like shop fight and set up an online store with them and then what you would do is you'd start selling things in that shop so just say for example we'll say you're selling rogue sites in that shop so you sell Rob Sachs for $50 each in that shop now people come visit your shop you might run an ad or something people call them visit your shop and they buy that Rob's at 450 now what you do is you go to a Chinese hauls or product manifold sailors or manufacturers on websites like Aliexpress so you go to Aliexpress search for a Rob's Acme and say this rucksack maker will be selling these bags for $20 each so now you're selling a product on your website website for $50 and you're buying it on Aliexpress for $20 and now the great part of this is that you don't have to handle the product the manufacturer wholesaler on Aliexpress will just pulse it directly to the person the bottom your web now when you consider that to traditional e-commerce where you have to buy a load of product maybe you'd spend 10 grand on buying these rocks axion are you sure how well you have all these rocks that store hoping that some disaster like over 19 doesn't happen you have them all stored up then you have to call and post all these rob sacks to all the people that bought them on your shop it's so much easier and drop shipping but the main things that you need to do in drop shipping is make sure if you find a manufacturer or a wholesaler that you trust that does a good job that does quick delivery that does good customer support and another issue with drop shipping is that a lot of times these manufacturers or wholesalers from Aliexpress will take a long time to deliver the product to the customer to borrow on your website but still a great way to make money but I recommend that if you're getting started go check out affiliate marketing and stick with affiliate marketing in that course I recommended that sound in the description top pin Commons as well that course will teach you why a favorite marketing is so much a user to guest star when it's so much more profitable to get started with then drop shipping is okay so method number six and this one is kind of just another method just to pay the rent but it's really cool and whatnot just be testing recently and it's called user testing so what user testing is is website creator create a website and then what they need is to find out how easy their website is navigate and find things on on use so what they'll do is they'll go to and user testing providers and they'll upload their website to this user testing provider and then what will happen is ordinary Joe's like you or me will go and sign up for one of these user testing websites and we'll get the opportunity to go and surf one of these websites has been uploaded on to it and we just record out loud with a might phone our experience as we're sort of intruders website so for example we might get a task like and can you find the homepage and then go and find the affiliates poor page or something like that so we just call and say something like now I'm surfing oh I think the whole page is up here click there although this isn't the home page and then you go and Sergey and you'd be like oh now look on the home page and the affiliate Resource Center is down here that's all you do is just record your experience in the site whether you're fighting an easy to use or hard to use and it'll take you about 20 minutes to complete a user test and then you get paid about dollars about thirty dollars probably for half an hour's work to twenty minutes work so user testing pays really well but does the laborious sign-up process which can be a bit annoying and there's not always a lot of work out sometimes you might spend a week or two looking for a job and then you might get three or four jobs in the space of a week so it can be a bit user testing isn't the greatest thing ever but tools work quite well okay guys so I promised you something really secret that I'm gonna share with you in this video where for just about 60 seconds work everyday you can make a lot of money I'm gonna share that with you in a second just before I share that with you guys one last time I just really recommend checking out that link in the description toughing comments as well watching the video of the stairs take you about 10 minutes to watch if you join what you see in that video then sign up the seven dollar course the seven dollar course will change some of you guys just your lives forever just like it did for me just the excitement would be part of that fear marketing industry it's just great and for any of you guys the paid seven dollars and you're not into it because a lot of you won't be into it then just ask for a refund and it will cost you nothing so guys my last secret little tip that I'm gonna give you here this one is epic and you're gonna think it's just so stupid because I need a person when I heard about but it's tick tock you guys probably heard about take that baby some of you use take top the more likely bolster you think tick tock is ridiculous and it's just for kids to dance around and twerk or something like that on but tick tock is an epic way to make money right now and the reason that such an epic way to make money is that takes up I could make a video right now of just recordin my floor and it might get 10 or 20,000 views now a YouTube video you're happy if it kind of a hundred views sometimes but on tick tock your videos can just get so many views just play recording stupid things and but so many people are doing to make thousands and thousands of dollars on tick tock and I'd be making a bit of money on tick tock bow and getting better and better out while they're making so much money from tick tock is there make it recordings of things so for instance they might make a recording of their dog just training its age and it gets a hundred thousand views and at the end of that video what they're saying go and check out this course that teaches you how to train your dog and then people go click on that link buy the course and the person who made the video he's getting 100,000 views just record their dogs sitting down he's getting paid Commission's for each and every one was views so tick tock is an epic method to make a lot of money online and I can't teach you at all in this video about t-shirt in another video that should be appeared in your screen at the end of this video that'll teach you everything you need to know about making money online with tick tock so check out that video and start implementing today that's all guys I hope you found this video useful we will chat soon bye bye [Music] you [Music]


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