How To Make Passive Income In Canada | 10 Passive Income Ideas 2021
Do you want to earn money while you
while you're out getting stuff done
while you're out on the lake or while
you're out of town for the weekend
in today's video i share with you 10
passive ways to earn income
so if you want to get your time back and
live a life of freedom make sure you
watch this till the end
what is passive income it's generating
income that requires little to no work
to keep earning and to maintain you may
need to put in a lot of time and effort
to build a passive income source at the
but once it's complete you can sit back
and allow your passive income source to
earn you money
while you sleep you may also use money
to create a passive income source
but once again that money will require
time to make
so to create a passive income source you
will need to front load your work or
invest your money what is active income
it's income received from performing a
service that you must be present for
in order to earn income for example a
restaurant worker
construction worker mechanic engineer
doctors and lawyers
so pretty much any job or career that
you earn an hourly wage
salary or commissions the problem with
active income
is that your earning potential is
limited what's it limited by
it's limited by time so to earn more
money you need to work
more and there's only 24 hours in a day
and you can only work
so many hours per day what's more
valuable than money
time warren buffett once said if you
don't find a way to make money while you
sleep you will work until you die
with that being said let's jump into the
list of the 10 passive income sources
number one dividend income this is one
of the easiest way to earn passive
income there is no front loading any
your dividend income will depend on how
much money you invest
dividend income in short is income
received from a company's profits
for example if you buy a share of the
company bell you own a piece of that
and as a shareholder you are entitled to
a portion of the profits
as a dividend not all companies pay a
dividend and some companies pay more
than others
to start earning dividend income all you
need to do is open an online brokerage
and research which dividend stocks you
want to invest in
buy your stocks and that's it collect
your dividend payouts
which are sometimes monthly or quarterly
so how much dividend income can you earn
well let's say you have an average
dividend yield of four percent which is
average safe yield the higher the yield
usually the more risk involved
if you had three hundred thousand
dollars you could earn twelve thousand
dollars a year
in dividends which will give you a
thousand dollars per month could you
live off a thousand dollars
per month probably not but if you build
your dividend portfolio big enough
essentially you could live off the
dividends this is a popular choice
for the people in the fire movement they
build up their dividend portfolio
at the same time reducing expenses so
they can retire early
number two phone farming now what in the
heck is phone farming it's the process
of using mobile devices to download apps
that earn income you wouldn't use your
everyday mobile device
it's best to use old android smartphones
so if you have any old android phones
laying around you're already ahead of
the game
then i would recommend asking friends
and family if they have any old android
phones they're willing to part with
if not check your local classified ads
to see if you can find phones for under
fifty dollars
the more expensive the phone the longer
it will take to make your money back
there's two apps in canada that i know
that pays and that i currently use
cash magnet and honey gain with cash
magnet you can run up to four devices
and earn up to fifty dollars per month
with honeygain you can run two devices
and earn up to twenty dollars a month
depending on your location
and internet speed so with six devices
that's seventy dollars per month
and this income is passive just keep the
device plugged in
and run the app 24 7 and that's it if
you're concerned about energy
it will cost you about two dollars and
fifty cents for the year
per device if you ran it the whole time
phone farming is an up and down game
some phone farmers use up to a hundred
with multiple routers to earn up to a
thousand dollars per month even if you
only earn seventy dollars per month do
you know how many dividend stocks you
would need to hold
in order to make seventy dollars per
month twenty one thousand dollars worth
so even if you paid fifty dollars per
phone and you had six phones
it would only cost you three hundred
dollars to earn seventy dollars a month
and phone farming is just as passive
as dividend stocks number three high
yield savings accounts
with a high yield savings account you
can make passive income
in the most risk-free way and the most
easiest way
all you need to do is hold money in a
savings account
at the minimum you should be at least
doing this with your money
i would use a savings account for two
things your emergency fund
and any short-term financial goals like
saving up for a big purchase
within a few years your emergency fund
fully funded
should be at least three to six months
of living expenses
and a big common purchase goal is saving
for a down payment for a house
if you're four plus years away from
buying a house then maybe you shouldn't
consider investing
to grow your money faster but if you're
within one to three years of buying a
a savings account will keep your down
payment free from risks
a savings account will only keep up with
inflation which is around 2
a year before the pandemic savings
account rates were much higher
currently you can open a high interest
savings account with eq bank
with a two percent annual rate or open a
with mode of financial with a 2.05 rate
so how much passive income can you earn
from this if you went for eq bank
and had emergency fund of ten thousand
dollars you would earn
on average 16 and 82 cents per month and
let's say you had 50
000 for a down payment on a house
sitting in an eq bank account you would
earn on average
84 and 10 cents per month so you can
earn just over a hundred dollars in
passive income
per month just by keeping your emergency
fund and any short-term saving goals
in a high-yield savings account number
four capital gains from investing you
can earn passive income
simply by buying shares of a company and
selling them later down the road
when the value of the share increases
the profit you earn
when selling your shares will be capital
gain income there's two passive ways of
doing this
open an online brokerage account and
pick your stocks to invest in
or open a robo advisor account and let
them do all the work when investing on
your own
you have the potential for the highest
returns but this requires more work
and has more risks with a robo advisor
the most work involved
is answering a few questions to
determine your risk tolerance
so they can pick an appropriate
portfolio for you wealth simple invest
does this the best
with only a 0.5 percent management fee
wealth simple will do everything for you
make investing completely passive how
much can you earn currently my wealth
simple portfolio has an annual return
of seven point two percent and that's
considering the market crash we had
earlier this year
that we are still recovering from so if
you had twenty thousand dollars in a
and it grew seven percent annually you
would earn around 116 dollars per month
if you were investing in individual
stocks your potential returns
are unlimited you could see a seven
percent return in just one day
or two three times your money in a few
months but this is a double-edged sword
so make sure you do your own research
before you do any investing number five
cash back rewards imagine needing to buy
groceries for your family
gas for your car pay for your internet
and power bills
buying all the essentials you need to
survive plus a few things that you don't
need but would really love to have
whether you use credit cards or not you
will buy these things anyway
so why not earn cash back doing so to
earn cash back
there's no extra work involved so it's
passive and technically
it's cash back and not income so any
cash back
is tax free there's two main strategies
for earning rewards
the all-in-one card usually with an
annual fee but with a higher reward rate
or using multiple cards with no annual
fee with a specialized reward rate let's
say on average you earn two percent cash
back with multiple cards
with no annual fee then let's say you
spend 2500
a month on cash back eligible goods and
services which is low compared to the
average canadian but we frugal
you would earn 50 a month in cash back
passive income you're going to spend the
money anyway
so why not earn passive income doing so
number six rental income you could earn
passive income
from renting out apartments or houses
that you own this means you become a
there is some work involved when
becoming a landlord but you could hire a
property manager to make rental income
pretty passive when renting out your
property the renter pays for your
mortgage you're building
equity with someone else's money on top
of that your property may appreciate
over time depending on many factors the
value of your property may
increase building your equity once again
but you want monthly income
so how do you achieve that through cash
flow cash flow is the difference between
rent collected and all operating
expenses operating costs include
vacancies repairs management fees
delinquencies etc it's easier to achieve
greater cash flow when dealing with
multi-family homes
like duplexes and triplexes it's very
to own enough properties with enough
cash flow to earn a full-time income
and retire and if you hire a property
manager then this could be a passive
income source
but if you don't have enough money to
start buying properties you can also
earn passive income
by renting out a room or investing in
reits what is a reit
real estate investment trusts reits are
traded like a normal stock
on a stock exchange you could earn
passive income with reits
by earning dividends and capital
the rest of the passive income sources
on this list will involve more work at
and more time than money but before we
get into that
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number seven affiliate marketing
affiliate marketing is when you promote
other companies products
and earn a commission through a sale for
sign up for wealth simple invest using
my link found in the video description
and deposit at least five hundred
dollars to earn yourself a fifty dollar
signup bonus
using my link won't cost you anything
extra and actually if you don't use it
you won't get to sign a bonus
neither will i how is this passive well
it can be passive
at first you need to build an audience
on social media
a website a blog a podcast or a youtube
this cannot be done overnight well it
has been but the chances are very low
it might take months two years or you
may not ever be successful but once you
do have a decent audience
you can achieve a full-time income
through affiliate marketing this can be
passive because it's work you did in the
past can still pay you currently
and in the future like if you had a blog
and made a post last year
any affiliate links attached to that
post has the potential to pay you now
but if you stop making content for your
eventually your blog will die out and
you will lose your audience
so to keep past posts earning income you
will need to create fresh content to
keep growing your audience
and keep growing your affiliate
marketing income income earned through
affiliate marketing will depend on many
like which niche are you in the platform
you use
the size of your audience and the number
of affiliate partners
this passive income source doesn't
require a lot of money
but there's lots of work involved
getting it off the ground and
maintaining it number eight
adsense google adsense is a free service
offered by google for content creators
if you have a blog
website youtube channel or other online
you can monetize your platform by
placing ads in it companies will pay
google to advertise their business then
google will pay you
to place ads with your content for
example i receive a small percentage of
for having ads placed in my videos which
helps me feed my cat
so if you want to support my family
don't skip the ads
am i allowed to say that how much can
you earn from google adsense
once again it depends on your niche some
of the highest paying niches include
fitness makeup stock market real estate
and personal finance also the platform
you use
a blog a website or a youtube channel
and the size of your audience
and how much traffic you can generate
plus many many more factors
so it's hard to say how much money you
can earn from adsense
but let's say it ranges from one dollar
to a million dollars per month this
income is considered passive
because you're getting paid from content
that you made months or years ago
if you decided that you wanted to go on
a trip for a full month and didn't
produce any new content
you would still get paid and earnings
probably wouldn't get affected now if
you stop producing content for years
eventually your content will be out of
date and your earnings will be affected
and you can make a full-time living off
adsense but in order to keep the
momentum going
you will need to keep producing content
and like i already said building a big
audience will take a lot of work
and time but it can be done with very
little money number nine
royalty income royalty income is income
received from allowing someone to use
your work or property for example if you
create a song
you get paid when someone downloads your
song streams your song from a paid
streaming service or even when they use
your song
in a movie tv show or other content
other ways you can make royalty income
selling stock photos writing books and
and making videos in order for someone
to use your property they must buy the
rights off for you how much can you make
from royalty income
you can make a few extra bucks to making
a full-time living
you make 70 million dollars if you're
the person that created the happy
birthday song
nevertheless it's passive income and
your royalties could last your whole
and even up to 70 years after you die
number 10
create a product or start a business
starting a business can be far from
anyone who started a business can tell
you it takes a lot of work you need to
put all the work in
to maximize your profits but once your
business is stable and profitable
you can hire others to take the work
load off you and you can go as far as
hiring someone to manage your business
for you that's when your business can
start to be passive
have your business ran by other people
while you collect a check
and do whatever you like this can be the
riskiest way to earn income
not only are you investing money but
you're investing time as well but
starting a business can have the biggest
you can even earn passive income from
creating a digital
product products like an online course
apps and games once the product is
created it can be sold over and over
again and no further work is required
so the income from your product is
passive now why is passive income so
passive income allows you to earn money
without taking up all of your time
society wants you to work your whole
life and retire broke
at the ripe old age of 65 or you could
use passive income to retire at the age
of 30.
to reach financial freedom sooner you
will need to combine passive income
with your active income with being
frugal so if you want to live a life of
freedom the freedom to do whatever you
the freedom to go wherever you want
whenever you want then start building
your passive income sources
if financial freedom sounds like
something you're interested then make
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if you already make passive income tell
us what it is in the comment section
thanks for watching until next time keep
making money moves
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