10 APPS That PAY YOU PayPal Money! (Make Money Online 2021)

hey everyone and welcome back to mr money today we're going to be talking about 10 apps that pay you paypal money make sure you stay until number 10 so you don't miss out on a great app that will earn you tons of money you'll be absolutely shocked number one mnfts mnfts pronounced as manifest is great for those who want to become social media influencers it is also great for those who don't quite have enough followers to be insta-famous this will also pay you to make money by becoming an influencer basically what you've got to do is build a following and create content for your followers then brands will find those who have a large enough following you'll then advertise those brands and earn through that brands will want people with large follow accounts so try and gain a reputation and create interesting and unique content so that people will want to see it it's basically what an influencer does but this is on a smaller scale and it's easier to do you start off by finding how much your following is worth and then grow it from there it's super simple and you can easily download the app on your apple or android device become an influencer today and easily earn through brand partnerships number two use analytics this next app is called userlytics and with userlytics you can get paid to test websites and apps this is a popular way to earn fast cash and now you can do it on your smartphone just register the app and you're ready to start first you're going to want to register to register you simply complete a short and fast easy to fill out form and then you will be part of that global community of testers then you will use the app to complete surveys and answer questions you will basically just give your honest opinion on websites and apps then you will get paid via paypal once your test results are approved you will then be eligible to earn anywhere from five to twenty dollars or even more for projects these types of projects will help company gain insight on how users experience their websites and apps so they will know where they need to improve you will be helping out some companies while earning and all you have to do is answer a few short questions on your smartphone number three receipt hog receipt hugs and apps that will pay you for your receipts this is applicable for stores and restaurants such as mcdonald's costco alter 711 and many many more you're gonna get paid just by taking a picture of your receipt using the app and then you'll get cashback from certain items on that receipt they will pay you either via paypal or via amazon gift cards they also have mini games like a slot machine to help you boost your earnings this is a highly rated app that has many favorable reviews in the apple app store and on the google play store it's very useful for those who want to go out shopping and dining often and want to earn back some of what they've spent it's a great app and you definitely should check it out and download it now number four ibota another app similar to receipt hog is called ibota with this app it says that you can save and earn cashback with this app you can go grocery shopping retail shopping and even book hotels and get cash back there are 500 000 retailers that are eligible they have a feature where you can put cards such as your walmart card or your kroger card on file so that you can earn money even faster so basically you can earn instant cash back with this app they will tell you specific items you can get cash back on they also have a great referral program you can get five dollars per person you referred and then you can very quickly add up some instant cash this is another great cashback app that is available for both apple and android devices it was featured on the editor's choice so that proves that this is great and legit number five slidejoy slidejoy is a great and very simple way to earn money fast you don't even have to do anything once you've downloaded it one thing to note is that this app is currently only available to android users so apple users will not be able to download it on the app store so what is slidejoy slidejoy is an app that you download and once you do they will display advertisements promotions and news articles on your smartphone's lock screen you will not need to click on these ads though or even mind them and you will earn money you can earn rewards through a system called carrots where 1 000 carats is equal to a dollar it's a great way to earn if you simply want to do nothing the ads are all tailored to you so they should at least be a little bit interesting you can always read the news articles or click on the ads to learn more about them but that isn't necessary for you to just earn just allow them to pop up and you're all set to go number six surveys on the go surveys on the go is another great survey app this app will pay you in cash value so there's no point conversion needed it is very straightforward and simple survey on the go has surveys in politics entertainment technology and many more categories these surveys usually pay around one to five dollars per survey but you can earn up to ten dollars or more on some of them it is a highly rated app on both the apple app store and the google play store this app helps out companies by giving you questions that you need to answer by allowing companies to gather the data anonymously so they know how those users will view their products so that they can then adjust and sell their stuff better it helps out companies while also paying you what a win-win situation [Music] number seven app trailers next up we've got app trailers app trailers is a great app that will pay you for doing all sorts of things like playing quizzes playing games or most popularly watching videos you can watch all sorts of videos such as videos for games entertainment videos sports videos and so much more there's bound to be a video that you will enjoy you will then click on the video and then watch it all the way through before getting your reward you don't even have to watch it you can just download this app on multiple devices and have them playing while you go off and do something else that is the easiest way to earn with this app and once you watch the videos you will earn points these points can then be redeemed into gift cards or paypal credit there's also a game where you can answer trivia questions and if you get it right you earn some extra points this app is only available in the google play store for now number eight feature points feature points is another app similar to app trailers that is most notable for its referral program for its referral program you're going to be earning 50 of whatever the person you referred earns so just by referring you can already earn tons of cash they pay you very fast which is very convenient you can also cash out with as little as three dollars you can then redeem points into gift cards or through paypal with this app you will just have to download apps and earn points you can then rack up your points and cash out to amazon gift cards best buy gift cards or many other options luckily unlike app trailers this one is available on both the google play and apple app store for both android and apple device users number nine cache pirate cache pirate is an android only app that pays you for downloading free apps you can test them out and decide if you want to keep them or delete them this is a great app for people who love to try out and explore different apps and the plus side is that you get paid for doing it there are so many things that you can do in this app to earn money you can complete surveys watch videos and try out products for free it is all for testing purposes for companies so you're going to be helping them out as they pay you to do it you can get paid many points with this app and you can also try their referral program you will get at least 10 percent of the person's earnings as your reward check it out because this one is really great number 10 buzz break news number 10 on our list is the app buzz break news this is best for people in the us since most of the news on here is us-based it's a highly rated app with over a hundred thousand ratings and nearly a five-star rating with this app you will just have to read some new stories and then earn cash it doesn't pay a whole lot but it sure does beat reading the news and not earning anything reading a lot of articles will let you pile up your earnings really quickly and it's a great way to productively pass your time the app is available on both the google play store and the apple app store so anyone can check it out and earn it's going to replace the way you read about the news from now on.


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