How much student earn in canada ? Student salary in Canada explained

hey guys how are you guys doing i hope all of you are doing absolutely fine in this kobe situation so today i'm going to cover the widely asked question ever by everyone so how much money do a person who just enters to canada does make it one single month this is the most commented thing ever in my videos in my instagram like how much money do i make in a single month starting with i'm an international student in canada so i'm a part-time worker so i work for 20 hours straight in a week you don't essentially get whole 20 hours in a week but this is the maximum that you can do i initially came to canada i was doing a factory i was not able to find a good job so i did the factory shifts for three months the factory i used to get 14 an hour so when you come to canada the first thing you need to understand is that you don't get any monthly wages here in canada all you get is hourly wage so you get paid on the hourly basis my initial pay in canada was 14 i was working in...